I met the legal counsel for one of the late night TV shows recently. One of her main roles is handling performance contracts for the show.She said that the newby and one hit wonders have odd expectations and lousy representation. She said Paul McCartney signed his without review, but he asked to make sure there was cold water bottles--nothing else. One of the one-hit new wonders asked for limousines and swag stuff for his entourage etc. In another job she had a similar role but had to fly to agens and their talent. She had some travel problems getting to a carribena island so her driver form the airport to Keith Richards home no-showed. She called Richard's home.Keith Richards drove to the airport and picked her up.
I met the legal counsel for one of the late night TV shows recently. One of her main roles is handling performance contracts for the show.She said that the newby and one hit wonders have odd expectations and lousy representation. She said Paul McCartney signed his without review, but he asked to make sure there was cold water bottles--nothing else. One of the one-hit new wonders asked for limousines and swag stuff for his entourage etc. In another job she had a similar role but had to fly to agens and their talent. She had some travel problems getting to a carribena island so her driver form the airport to Keith Richards home no-showed. She called Richard's home.Keith Richards drove to the airport and picked her up.