and why is Michigan a convicted cheat not being discussed as even being included in the playoffs...they should have forfited every game where evidence showed they had cheated....and I hear no one complaining about that and then wants a wounded duck to play in a game against must be a Michigan fan to not have raised cain about that and obviously wanted the easiest road to a championship game for Michigan now at least they wil have to play someone with a QB..
ESPN and Disney are the leaders of the mainstream marxist media. They (currently) get what they want. They want the SEC.
and why is Michigan a convicted cheat not being discussed as even being included in the playoffs...they should have forfited every game where evidence showed they had cheated....and I hear no one complaining about that and then wants a wounded duck to play in a game against must be a Michigan fan to not have raised cain about that and obviously wanted the easiest road to a championship game for Michigan now at least they wil have to play someone with a QB..