Bush and McNair were the means for the NCAA to slap USC down. Bush was a superstar with a sleazy step-father and McNair had a shady past. This was actual conspiracy and collusion.
McNair sued, got more money than he would ever make coaching , and Bush got his heisman back today.
But USC did NOTHING WRONG. USC did not CHEAT. Doesn't matter that the truth is all there in court documents. That is not justice. Those games were won. Those titles earned. The institution was not involved in any malfeasance.
Will there ever be justice for SC? probably not. USC refused to fight back, why ? you have to ask them. sc
If I knew that in hell Lucifer were shoving an oversized pitchfork up Paul Dee’s sphincter that might be closer to justice
You are absolutely right. Reggie was never paid a dime to play football at USC. The whole thing came down to Reggie's stepdad's high school friend trying to influence his buddy into persuading Reggie to sign with him as an agent. It went sour when Reggie did not sign with him. USC broke no rules but was severely penalized by a corrupt political organization.
Justice has layers you baboon. Bush got what he deserves. USC got nothing but graduation is going to go faster this year. Good for those parents. The one I went to was a 3.5 hour librard amateur speaking showcase.
Heisman committee said "due to the enormous changes in the sports landscape, the Heisman trophy has been returned to Reggie Bush." Other than men being allowed to compete against women in sports, what enormous changes in the sports landscape were they referring to?
You want justice from the NCAA?!
It’s NEVER going to happen.
💯, great points.
Haden, that's why.
Can the NCAA retroactively punish USC for the $150,000 payment to White?
Also, all Pete had to do was report it to the NCAA when he found out instead of just asking if the “paperwork” was in order. The cover-up is many times worse than the crime.
Give it a rest. No one outside of the SC circle is buying any of your Drivil.
It was never ever about Bush. It was always about hurting USC due to the second worst vice, envy or in this case USC envy. Bush was just the vehicle they used. I personally hope anyone involved with taking USC down burns in hell. JMHO
and it cost usc 14 years of shit coaching. USC went after Kiffin b/c he had ties to the program (boo) and they KNEW HE WOULDN'T SAY NO. The sad fact is Kiffin probably did a better job than Sark, Helton and maybe even Riley.