Going into the game I posted that ND would get boat raced. They had no idea of the speed that was going to hit them. That they had never faced a quarterback with the mobility and accuracy of Caleb and that he would win the heisman making them his bitch.
I also predicted that SC would sell out to stop the run and hopefully the Grinch would put a body , turned out he used Bullock and Starvin Marvin, on their all everything tight end. That ND would get its yards but would not be able to keep up.
So what happened? Well pretty much what I thought. The Grinch's defense seems to make every quarterback (except the effeminate utla one) look like fellow heisman candidates. And the french whore quarterback was no different. And as I posted it wouldn't be enough. Like with Utah, SC did not get run over enough for ND to keep up.
What was a pleasant surprise was what real coaching could do for SC's offensive line. Same guys from last season that got knocked off the ball by washington state. Also big difference in SC's running game is USC's portal running backs are seniors that don't turn the ball over.
The difference with this game has been the difference all season. It's the fact that USC finally had a quarterback that can move. All the decades of watching a mobile quarterback run all over USC while SC with with the JD Booty and JT ChuckNduck and Kid Slovis. All SC's quarterbacks have always been COACHED to stay in the Pocket and take the sack.
Caleb Williams IS , HAS, AND WILL ALWAYS BE ELUSIVE. He didn't EVOLVE or learn how to scramble. THAT IS WHO HE IS. He just said fawk this shit , I'm not sitting in the pocket. What he said after the game confirmed this. Where Caleb grew this season was he learned to slide instead of taking on tacklers, and is better at throwing the ball away. He's always been able to throw on the run. That is what makes him special. Never seen a guy run to his left and be able to do that with any accuracy or zip. He also doesn't turn the ball over. A mobile quarterback that doesn't turn the ball over? That goes against all the conventions Still needs to work on taking what the defense gives him , but he's getting better at that too.
Heisman number 8 for USC, (the MOST of any school) and YES REGGIE BUSH WON THE HEISMAN. Time to put his freaking number back up. They won't let anyone else wear it. So put it back freaking up.
As I posted back in September this season rides on the shoulders of Caleb Williams. As long as he stays upright, undermanned (thanks to hugs) USC has a chance. No more blow out losses like the last 5 years.
Next week USC actually is set up pretty well to WIN SOMETHING. A pac 12 championship isn't much, but it's SOMETHING. I fully expect SC to put Bullock and Starvin Marvin Gentry on Kincaid. LIke the french tight end, He will be his yards but don't dominate. Utah lost it's running back but SC will again sell out to stop the run. Playing 31 more helps. Joe Dirt (great nick) will also get his yards.
But as Long as Caleb stays upright, With no huge home and ref advantage (and yes the refs know what everyone thought of their job the first game), SC will win.
Maybe this will finally help USC"s defensive recruiting. According to Sua Craven it all comes down to Bosco's beast Matayo Uglysomething who just beat mater dei and was at the game last night. "If he comes, other's will follow". Really need to get some football players on defense, so they don't always look like they came out of a burning building without a scratch. sc
You need to give the D their due. ND was stuffed on offense. Only gave up 21 when it mattered. They scored 35+ in their last 5.