and I mean everyone.
started my own social experiment today. I say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to everyone. If I get a simple Merry Christmas or nothing back I smile. If I get a "happy holidays" back, I REPEAT " MERRY CHRISTMAS". If I get another Happy Holidays back, I reply. GO FUCK YOURSELF!
You should see the responses. I absolutely love being rich and retired. I have been lifting again , and I get big fast for whatever endocrine reason. You hearing that Kevin? Be afraid, be very afraid.
Was just at FED EX sending a trojan buddy of mine someTommy's Chili. So I get three large chilis to go yesterday and put them in my freezer. I put them in a foam box I got from my grass fed steak cowboy guy in montana with a bunch of frozen gel things from Amazon . Only down side to red state living is no Tommy's.
The Fed Ex dude say's that will be 300 dollars? I said, excuse me. I've done it before, it's like 60 bucks. He said it's christmas. I said so what. He said capitalism man. He recommended I go to the post office. Well F that. No way in hell am I going to that dump. I explained to him that this wasn't a Christmas present and that my buddy is a Jew. The beanie without a propeller and everything full court press jew. He, like all jews I've ever met hates Santa Clause. He said sorry , it's still 300 bucks.
Man was I hoping he said Happy Holidays when he gave me my receipt. sc