Funny. It used to be USC was hated for winning. Now it's for other reasons. For your Trojans sake, I hope we just can all get back to simply hating you for winning again... 🤣
Speaking of winning, the playoffs....??? No Dice, Andrew thinks this is Whittingham's swan song. He won't re-create the magic of 2021. I can see USC in the Rose easily though.
And speaking of magic, hey, if you're worth $43B, what's $500M amongst friends? 😉
Hey LA, question for you. Many think Ore will be a B1G member soon, if not in a year or two. Let’s say the Ducks wind up getting in with the LA schools for the 24 season. Now, you do know The Beavs have zero chance of getting an invite. Fair they hate you for abandoning them? I mean, by definition of all the duckies on fishduck, the Trojans (some reason never mention the Bruins) f’d over all remaining Pac 12 teams with their greed and disloyalty. So what should we call it when duckies bolt? Sam thing happened with Conerly when Duck fans thought USC was getting him ;”corrupt, NIL money, etc”),,,, but that talk miraculous changed when UO got him and a big bag was announced. See, now that’s different,,,, LMAO,,,, ah yes, I read that board
oh yeah, two of those fishduck poster are apparently going to talk to players or somehow organize “headhunting” against Trojan players if we meet next year (they’re talking injuring players intentionally). Take a look, its on there,,,, or I can link it for you. Whichever is best for you
Not sure your point, Brad. There are a ton of bad Oregon Duck fans, just as there are a ton of bad USC Trojan fans. Happy to provide examples too. Won't argue any of what you are alleging (although I don't frequent Fishduck much).
My guess is (and it's been proven a couple of times the past 20+ years to me personally) the large majority of the crazy fans here on this WW board (yes, including sc) are basically solid people, and individuals I would greatly enjoy sharing a beer with some day.
I'm sure there are plenty of Trojans in this world I would not respect and would not want to hang with. And I'm certain the same is true with Oregon fans out there in this world--there are some I would not respect and would not want to associate with. And fortunately I'm not responsible for them. Just as you aren't responsible for the bad Trojan fans out there.
To your other point, I don't think you, even as a Trojan, can deny that USC is one of the most hated franchises in all of sports, along with teams like Alabama and Notre Dame football and Duke basketball.
If you want another opinion, just click below. USC comes in as the 8th most hated sports team in the nation in one survey, and 2nd in a survey of college football teams. And these came out a year before your break from the p12.
So, sure, the rest of the p12--especially in your scenario above Oregon State--will hate Oregon if we also turn tail and bolt for greener pastures. But my original point is that USC has traditionally been hated and will be even more hated now.
It's not a complicated concept. Don't understand why it appears to be so upsetting to you. People tend to hate those teams that win consistently and historically. That's a good thing, yes?
“USC used to be hated for winning. Now they’re hated for other reasons.“
I must have misunderstood you point here. You replied by saying USC was one of the most hated teams and that was your only point. ??? “Now they’re hated for other reasons.” Again, dont know what youre referring to .
What is it with Trojans and horrible teeth? Don't you have a renowned dental school? Do you not go through your beans and look for rocks before you cook them?
Funny. It used to be USC was hated for winning. Now it's for other reasons. For your Trojans sake, I hope we just can all get back to simply hating you for winning again... 🤣
Speaking of winning, the playoffs....??? No Dice, Andrew thinks this is Whittingham's swan song. He won't re-create the magic of 2021. I can see USC in the Rose easily though.
And speaking of magic, hey, if you're worth $43B, what's $500M amongst friends? 😉
What is it with Trojans and horrible teeth? Don't you have a renowned dental school? Do you not go through your beans and look for rocks before you cook them?
How long before she is complaining that Purdue and Indiana get the same $$$ as SC
how much does each school pay per player on game day.
carol say F them fools.
Carol :