How many times can you get kicked off of ig for using bad words?
I don't even curse and I have been removed. Posts. Replies. And I've been put like on restriction for using the word whore. Specifically French whores. Not in relation to Notre dame. But the actual French.
Apparently tranny is a bad word. And fag didn't surprise me.
But considering the words they let people use that they don't edit? The F word, the MF word, the S word and many others. I'm a little surprised those were enough to get me popped.
I guess I am a modern terrorist. Oh yes, that's another word I used in relation to Palestinian sympathizers. Apparently that got me popped as well.
It's rules with no definition so you get the surprise. Kinda like misinformation nd disinformation...they cancel you for that but who determines what that is and do they do it consistently? So far seems to me they chose what is and what isn't and there appears to be a bias in choosing...add to that the goal posts keeping moving...pretty tough but wait...AI will fix it:-)
No one cares. Enjoy your own medicine. You say you don't ban people but you do. Karma, bitch.