Who is the hell has been running the country the last few years, and more importantly who's running it today?
We live in a dangerous world. It's now perfectly obvious of everyone that Joe Biden is and has been president in name only. And it's not partisan or political. I wondered the same thing about Reagan his last year in office.
Is it? A. Obama
B. Evil Jill
C. The three letter agencies.
D. someone else?
Most evidence points to Obama. Just look at the executive orders day one of the Biden administration. It's exactly what Obama said he wanted to do when he was president , especially all the equity nonsense.
Jill wouldn't be the first first lady to be calling the shots when their husband couldn't.
lots of evidence that the agencies have actually been running everything since world war 2. they got rid of JFK and even Nixon because he pissed them off. the bush's are the deep state. the clintons got paid off. Obama did what he was told . If it is C, no way in hell will Trump ever step foot in the white house again. no freaking way.
I ask this because I have no idea who is actually running USC football either these days. Do you? I was hoping for more from Big Jen, but Heritage hall has it's own deep state. sc.
Eh Dr. SC noticed you've been awfully quiet and hardly posting or commenting on stuff, are you on a long vacation? Come on you're a big part and one of the main personalities of the WW board. I enjoy seeing and reading your takes. Start posting again...
What happend to El Trojan, don't see him posting anymore? I liked his stuff as well.
Oz is walking our country. Some bozos behind the curtain counsel Joe Puppet with a nod from Evil Jill to grab his pencil and write another finding that resembles law for a few days before the courts slap the cabbash on it. This wooden indian controls the nuke triggers? Yikes. If the Donald did nada else during his short reign, he did redesign the supreme court. YAH!
The answer is, Obama. Everything being this fucked has his chocolate fingerprints all over it.
Did you really need post this in a form of a question?
Half of America knew Joe was a puppet and was just following orders from 1) Obama then 2) Hillary then 3) Susan Rice and the rest of the left lackies including the agencies. Jill is just the token that the orders passed through get followed.
Obama was termed out but that was part of the deal for Bribem to be installed.
For 3-1/2 years half the country has been calling the current administration 'Obama's 3rd term'.
Nancy Reagan and James Baker were behind the scenes during Reagan's 2nd term.....George H.W. Bush was VP all 8 years. Reagan was nowhere near as elderly-minded as Biden. Reagan Reagan finished his 2nd term at age 78. Biden is finishing his 1st Term at 78 and is a mushy vegetable.
Susan Rice, Obama's National Security Advisor has served as the Domestic Policy Advisor for 3 years under Biden..as the "man behind the curtain" for much of Biden's initial term.....acting as the insider contact for Obama. She left that spot about a year ago. Ironically, Susan Rice's son is/was the head of the Stanford Student Republican Club at Stanford (also Susan's alma mater).
obama was a product of the cia, so 1 & 3 are the same. 3 is the best answer of your list, but they are just following orders. Club of Rome/Bilderbergers/CommOf300/European Black Nobility/Vatican is where the power ultimately lies.
As for USC, the BOT is still running the show, and Nikias and Haden are still members. You do the math.
Kenyan skidmark
Susan Rice
Valerie Jarrett
CIA/Military War Machine
US is an oligarchy now.
I was under the impression that these two Women of Troy were running the program.