Next time you are on fb. And they post one of those reels where they show a rescued cow or pig or sheep. In this case cow. And how they fixed it up. And bathed it. And introduced it to other cows and they played in their little moo field and all that?
and person after person writes
“Omg he’s so happy”
“Love when humans do this”
“He soooo cute”
“Look at him. I wish I could have him live with me”.
After reading 10-15 of these posts do what I did.
“He looks delicious”
I saw a clip a couple of years ago about a seal that was rescued. They gave it some stupid name. By the time it was back to health, with many on-lookers there, the rescuers were lowing it back into the water by a web net attached to a crane. In a blink of an eye, a shark jumped from the water and took the whole thing. In a matter of two seconds, all that was left was the shards of the web net dangling from the hook of the crane.
Still chuckle about that. And the expressions from the crowd were pretty amusing too.
Peoples responses are almost as funny. You feel like Sasha cohen playing borat