I visited the tower's site two months after 9/11. The taxi guy said, Why do you want to go down thee there is nothing to see"? I told him, "The reason for my trip is I want to absorb enough anger to last me the rest of my life." It worked, I will go to my final resting place with enough anger for a second life time.
I used to think that was ridiculous. But After we learned the CIA killed JFK , anything is possible. I mean, wow, the CIA killed our president. And they lied to our faces (well those around then). Sham commissions. Anything is possible,
They got us good that day. They celebrated, laughed and smiled.But we brought out the hammer, and we gave a big hammer. We took it to them and chased them into caves and holes in the ground. We bombed them, led assaults on their cities and killed hundred of thousands. We avenged our dead. It was our right.
The world changed that day for sure and I think we all knew it in the moment.
Don't forget Beirut. Yeah, terrible. Saigon (or Vietnam) was an absolute disgrace and mess. Throwing 75 million dollar jets into the ocean to make more room for people on the aircraft carriers.. They were all a disgrace, Beirut among one of the most humiliating retreats for us. The problem is we didn't meet our objectives in any of those withdrawals. We didn't destroy the enemy so we couldn't retreat in an organized fashion.
I visited the tower's site two months after 9/11. The taxi guy said, Why do you want to go down thee there is nothing to see"? I told him, "The reason for my trip is I want to absorb enough anger to last me the rest of my life." It worked, I will go to my final resting place with enough anger for a second life time.
who's censoring the comments. 911 was an inside job. People need to come to grips with it.
They got us good that day. They celebrated, laughed and smiled.But we brought out the hammer, and we gave a big hammer. We took it to them and chased them into caves and holes in the ground. We bombed them, led assaults on their cities and killed hundred of thousands. We avenged our dead. It was our right.
The world changed that day for sure and I think we all knew it in the moment.