RIP George Foreman. Condolences to his family. What a bigger than Life personality. Wonderful smile, well liked & popular dude. Loved his commercials. Great boxer with a heavy KO punch. Gonna miss him Mucho. May God Bless G Foreman... Aloha.
I really like his grilles. I have two, a round one on legs about 2 feet wide that can be easily disassembled and folded up for storage, and a smaller tabletop burger type. Stuff turns out really good for not being direct flame. Easy to clean but I don't really want to clean it after each use so we don't use them that often. Much easier on an open flame to just keep it lit and burn off the old stuff.
Hahahahaha. Your uncle just didn’t know that you had just cheated death but that’s funny. They should have carried you on their shoulders around the beach like you just scored the winning touchdown in the Super Bowl. Hahaha, good read.
Totally. I think that’s why I started this board. To have my victory lap. Yeah I guess it would be like being 55 and banging the hottest Dallas cowboys cheerleader. Except your wife is across town at her sisters.
You sure can’t tell your family. Not gonna tell her or your kids. You don’t trust your half wit friends to keep the secret. So you have this great accomplishment and well. Nada. No touchdown dance.
I actually feel that way about money. Because this is wife number two and she has kids I have to tone down all the huge money talk because shall we say this is not 50-50? And her kids have a dad and we’ve always kept the $ separate He takes care of them. He’s like a $250k a year CIO for large Asian banks. Good money. But being single what that buys him is a decent house in Fontana. Maybe a million right? Nice. Not great. He doesn’t have my kind of money and I have to tone that way down because the kids spend time with him and wife is very independent w her $ and work.
So when she is all exited nvidia went up and she made $5000? I have to be polite. Like $5k is a huge score for her and that’s indeed big $. But you’ve seen my numbers. The market burps and my account goes up and down $100,000 in an hour. Take her money and add like two zeros.
I sure can’t talk about it with people at work without getting a “cool. So you can afford that raise for me” One reason I just drive my truck. I like it and doesn’t send the wrong message.
Can’t talk to my family because well. My sister is a dentist who married the corporate lawyer for yahoo who joined them in about 1998. They paid him in stock options. And he left at the perfect time. Must have known something. I bet they were or are worth $50 million. Other sis marries a guy who after college talks his way into a real estate company that converted old king beach building into lofts. He cleared like $5 mil on that by 30. 20 years ago maybe? So these people are not going to want to hear about my market scores. Mom is poor and doesn’t wanna hear about all I have lol.
Dad is like you. He has real estate and development down to a formula. Like drilled down. Knows his cap thingies. Knows the rent multiples. The matinenqnce numbers. And knows that if he borrows at this percentage he can get this return and actually makes money by borrowing. Buying property. Renting or developing and all that. And has it down to where long term between rental and property appreciation he makes about 15% a year. Rain or shine. Which doesn’t sound that great but imagine making 15% a year over a period of 60 years? Good lord I don’t want to even know. Oh and once in awhile a city or a Wal mart comes along and wants your property. Really wants it. NOW. And you cash in for 3x or 5x what you paid. Funny too. He got me interested in stocks and overall he hasn’t been as good as I’ve been. Nor as committed. And much as I ask him about real estate his wife changes the topic at the table and after dinner he wants to ask about the kids and not talk about business. So he never taught me anything. Despite me asking. Probably learned more from you than him. Ooooohhh maybe my dad is mafioso. Maybe he’s an organized criminal. Maybe that’s why he’s evasive. I should ask Fresno Mike. He knows him
You should pull up to work in a Ferrari then gather the employees together and tell them “guys this is my new Ferrari if you guys keep working hard, next year I will get the top of the line Lamborghini. Now get to work!” Employees always think the boss is killing it and should pay them more anyway.
I have a few industry friends that call me to run deals by me or ask me questions but I keep my numbers on the down low. Nothing good can come from that. Some of them have given me deals they didn’t have the cash to take down themselves. Last thing I want to do is say , “ hey remember that property you brought me that I paid you a $15k referral fee? I just flipped it and made $175k!” I never bring up a deal again with anyone that referred it to me. I let their imagination do the work. Neither of my two older kids is interested in making money. One is a schoolteacher and the other a school administrator. The school administrator (masters from UCLA) says it’s wrong for anyone to own more than one house. It’s my fault we have a housing shortage apparently. I bought too many. You can only live in one she says. I manage both my kids investment accounts and both have done well but neither ever talks about it much. That’s what happens when you have been raised in comfort and never faced true hardship. My friend I share an office with talk stocks and real estate strategy every day and we share stories all the time but keep total net worth numbers unspoken. Anonymous boards like the wealth board are pretty cool. The best part is that it’s only a few of us there. Too many and it becomes tainted with agendas.
"Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!"
RIP George Foreman. Condolences to his family. What a bigger than Life personality. Wonderful smile, well liked & popular dude. Loved his commercials. Great boxer with a heavy KO punch. Gonna miss him Mucho. May God Bless G Foreman... Aloha.
BigBalls, have you and Java figured out a way not to die? How big is your coffin going to be? Where will your soul go?
I had a George Foreman grill. worked. sc
I really like his grilles. I have two, a round one on legs about 2 feet wide that can be easily disassembled and folded up for storage, and a smaller tabletop burger type. Stuff turns out really good for not being direct flame. Easy to clean but I don't really want to clean it after each use so we don't use them that often. Much easier on an open flame to just keep it lit and burn off the old stuff.
I recommend the movie big george foreman, guy had some deep faith anda noteworthy redemption arc in addition to being a world class athlete
I wonder if there will ever be a news story that I come to the board to post that you haven’t already posted