Not literally
But dad went to watch son coach in the sugar bowl.
Fell down. Broke his hip New Year’s Eve. Probably dodging a rampaging car
Underwent surgery Complications. Assumed room temp today.
So putting my Art hat on. I’m thinking if he doesn’t go to new Orleans and wander around he doesn’t get hit or fall. Then if Kirby wins on 1/2 he has a much better recovery. Either way it’s Kirby’s fault he was there in the first place and Kirby’s fault he drove the nail in the coffin with that putrid performance.
Special assist to pall bearer Parker Jones.
your really are a colossal jewel of ignorance.
Did he trip, or did he have a cerebral or cardiac vascular event, or did he get the vapor's like you get in 18 inch surf and water goes up your nose? Most likely he had a medical event and couldn't handle fluid shifts in surgery. Think of adding the right mount of coffee to a coffee bean. Sorta, but the only language an idiot like you would understand. Or maybe why no one will sit next to you at a football game. It's not because you have BO. It's because you are a high squeaky voiced pencil neck twerp that is a true asshole.
The Older that stated age looking fat dude who probably like you had a mother that didn't love him and fed him fast and processed foods. Probably like you still ate fast foods. Go for a lazy jog a hike from the real beach. that will fix everything. I hear Taco bell has some really healthy stuff now.
As far as Mr Smart. Sad but mostly avoidable. RFK is going to clean some of this stuff up with education and people will know what they are eating actually does to them. Idiots like you will say it's all genetics.
you reall are a sad, sick , loser. Enjoy the noise tonight in Dana with some in and out. oh wait. they don't have one. sc