Hats off to CLR for having an open competition for the starting quarterback position.
Competition makes all players better.
Now lets see if he sticks by it. Matt Cassel , Aaron Corp, and Jack Sears all were thought to have beat out the eventual starter. At least that's what the players, press, and those watching practice thought at the time. sc
I'm sorry. What's so special about & at LSU or Man U?
And why is being QB for the Cowboys any more special than any other team?
No competition, this is a Sham. You know that
Riley and Moss know who the starter is going to be. Period.
LOL. Now he's going to have a competition? I wonder where he heard that. Maybe, that shitstain Williams wouldn't have regressed so much if he was pushed. Daddy Ball kills. Riley is the queen of daddy ball.
You think CLR can't pick the best? Has a pretty good track record. Can't say the same for hiring D coordinators