But dont worry It was against Trump so it’s all ok.
Solid logic, deep reasoning and incredible consistency liberals. And of course, don’t worry, it was for sure the first and “only“ time this has happened!!
adds a lot of context to term “disinformation”.
So Trump and the Deplorables were right again…
So what isn't fixed in America?
Including college football for the most part.
Teams often complained that USC unfairly got the best players every year.
Ya, so what, that is EARNED based on MERIT from when the PROGRAM had to set a winning tradition . Ucla basketball still flexes their tradition . How long a team can count on that remains to be seen. Eventually most fans give up.
Did the RATS cheat? Sure. They ALWAYS DO. But it was more rigged than stollen. semantics. First it was the 1965 chain migration and then their next big move was motor voter. Then ballot harvesting. And now it's mail in voting. Got to hand it to them just from a strategy perspective. Trumps mistake when complaining about the election was focussing in on voter machines, and not on zuckerbucks and harvested mail in voting in heavy blue and more importantly swing states. That's how they did it. Most places they did it was "legal", because of covid rules that have now been made permanent in blue states.
The first thing Governor Hair gel did was make mail in voting permanent after he beat his recall. One party state forever.
Trump went after the deep state's livelihood, only pissed them off. What he should have done was clean house. He surrounded himself with yes-men, just like all billionaires do . They never have to hear the word no. That was his biggest mistake.
The big state is corruption. It's the same way Rome and all empires collapse. It's just the natural history of civilization.
There is NO WAY in hell the deep state is going to let a vindictive , temper tantrum throwing Trump be president on the united states again. And yes that includes ANYTHING. Still better here than anywhere else.
I think the guys on the far right are almost as nuts as those on the progressive left. But the overall trend of societal decay is beyond repair. We are just entering another victorian age. And with NIL, we are headed back to college football's victorian age as well. And my team has a seat at the table again. So it ain't all bad. sc
The Left/DNC/DOJ now control all conduits of information, education, news, late night comedy, and social media. He who controls the narrative controls the conclusions; not just the "facts", but how the question is framed (When did you stop beating your wife?). Most of the deception is in the form of omission (PBS informed us that the evil GOP opposes a proposal to make contraceptives over the counter, but failed to mention that the GOP proposed this two years ago, but it was opposed by the DNC and Planned Parenthood). You cannot make an informed, independent decision (Agency!) if someone else controls what you are allowed to know. The Babylon Bee's email has been cut off without explanation. You are now isolated from both receiving and transmitting information. Patrick McGoohan, where have you gone?