The guy with the tweet, Jason Scheer is a Zona guy? It's not believable that Fisch would interview or that ucla would want to interview him. The economics don't make sense. UCLA could have had him but that train left the station long ago.
While it may be unfair to use linear data to compare years in a college teams performance I kept thinking about the personnel and recruiting at Alabama and Notre Dame compared to Syracuse or Nebraska.
Regardless, I still found this interesting:
White’s teams get better every year.
-Syracuse before White: 89th; White’s three years there: 90th to 65th to 41st
-Nebraska before White: 77th; with White: 13th
-He basically did to Nebraska’s defense what Lynn did for UCLA this year.
Whereas Rees’ teams are never as good on offense as before he took over and get worse over time.
Notre Dame before Rees: 13th; during Rees’ three years: 30th to 20th to 41st.
It's not true. I read about last night and the story quickly disolved. Bad troll job from someone who heard it from someone else that heard it that there was a west coast P5 coach that inquired. The latest rumor was that west coast coach was Troy Taylor at Stanford.
Ucla's chance was before UW hired Fisch. Chip was out interviewing in the period before Fisch jumped ship. That was the time.
The guy with the tweet, Jason Scheer is a Zona guy? It's not believable that Fisch would interview or that ucla would want to interview him. The economics don't make sense. UCLA could have had him but that train left the station long ago.
It happened. For those saying UCLA would not pay his buyout, they're right but it's chump change to Wasserman.
I'm calling Tony White to UCLA.
No way this could be true. 😆
What's Fisch's buyout at UW? I hear ucla has 1.5 mil in the bank now.