Pitt warned usc about Paul Hackett.
Oklahoma warned us about the Grinch.
Watch this video. Do you still think this is the guy to fix SC's defense? Really?
Every team has injuries, but at least halt time adjustments seem to be in capable hands early in the season. The last few games, not so much. Maybe it's because other offenses have just adjusted to his d strategy and he hasn't adjusted back? Or maybe he has no idea what to do.
Can the loss of Starvin Marvin Gentry really be the fix?
This used to be a recruiting board and SC's D recruiting stinks. High school coaches are warning kids away from SC because 162 doesn't give a shit about defense and thinks he can just outscore everyone.
So does this guy look pissed off to you? and does he sound like he has any idea how to address anything?
not to me.
Worst college football defense I have ever seen. ranked 95 in total defense. So I guess there are some worse. just haven't seen them.
But hey, they have a bunch of interceptions. Defense turnovers are everything. I know I read that on this baord. RAH!
Anyways, watch if you want. ps. interesting thread. https://www.on3.com/boards/threads/grinch-must-go.737977/
I always check in with the new gal's ex
so that I know what to do next and more importantly
how to think.
That's what all the smart people do.
Sincerely, Napoleon
I think you are over thinking everything. It’s modern college football. No one can stop anyone. You win by out scoring the other team. A defense just needs to slow the other team down. Alabama scores 49 versus Tennessee and LOSES .
Having 8 wins against 8 crappy unranked teams isn’t my definition or USC football‘s definition ie winning.
Winning those games ugly is only better than losing like with your fat boy Hugs Helton.
Right up there with your “Use your front porch as a hot yoga studio” little league participation trophy . sc
Sucks to be 9-1 I know. You’re gonna have to learn to live with it.
I think if usc won the. national championship 62-61 you’d complain about it.
You sure this wasn’t you?
”Please don't insult me by calling me a trojan of any kind. ”