Andrew Luck keeps quiet, for now, regarding investigations of Stanford coach Troy Taylor
Probably makes the team do pushups and calls them names. Some on here think that's a real man and a real coach. Sounds like a real prize. Glad to see it, those pretentious bastar(*& Can't stand that school. Not far behind is Cal. But at least knows they are smelly non deodorant wearing American haters.. Stanford pretends they aren't but absolutely are, just more elitist about it because they shower more than once a week. Even if the women don't shave their legs or pits.
Bring back David Shaw.....he was a great coach. Needs recruiting staff.
Taylor’s problem is back to back 3-9 seasons. Period
I just don't get it. Why on earth would you put yourself in that situation. You know that it won't end well, and yet people just keep doing it over and over again. No amount of lawsuits, public shaming, etc. will stop them. It won't be different for you, you will get in deep shit. It's like Heroin. No one who has done heroin has come out of it as a better person. Well, maybe Keith Richards, but he is not of this world. So one person. In the history of all people. There are pictures of the damages all over, families have been destroyed, millions have died, yet every day countless idiots decide it won't be like that for them and just go for it. Boggles the mind. Just say nothing, give them nothing, do your job and go home and live well.