two years. Why wouldn't they. The question is, what will Bohned do about it?
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Edited: Oct 17, 2022
The P12 Refs will continue to fawk with USC and UCLA for the next
The P12 Refs will continue to fawk with USC and UCLA for the next
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A few ideas
-have an NIL collective sue
-have a player or two sue for a "hostile work environment" resulting from game official misconduct seeking injunctive relief
-have third parties investigate the officials
-have USC sue; its tougher to defend a suit. Discovery of emails, HR files, hiring details and the like could sizzle and
-Incentive some journalists to snoop endlessly.
Officials are likely involved in whores and gambling.
I agree with this.
My guess is it will be the same SC hating refs that will just go to work for the BIG.
it’s not like there are a bunch of unemplyed refs sitting around not doing anything .
Road games might actually be better. sc