Unlike the pussy fans.,
With the firing of Grinch did you expect them to not get jacked up . I expected it
Some think this is Madden '23, and you can rebuild a team overnight.
If they don't get it now, trying to explain it is like pushing rope uphill.
Whatever. They can be miserable.
RAH RAH! We're realists.
Fight On! That's what it's all about.
the coaches quit.
The cognizant fans are just reading the tea leaves. Those untrained eyes have been dead on this season. The coaches haven't been close.
With the firing of Grinch did you expect them to not get jacked up . I expected it
Some think this is Madden '23, and you can rebuild a team overnight.
If they don't get it now, trying to explain it is like pushing rope uphill.
Whatever. They can be miserable.
Fight On! That's what it's all about.
the coaches quit.
The cognizant fans are just reading the tea leaves. Those untrained eyes have been dead on this season. The coaches haven't been close.