Add your age plus the year of your birth. For everyone it will add up to , if you're 49 years old and were born in 1973, 49+1973=2022. Hasn't happened for 1,000 years. I really am 2022 years old, so it's double-weird for me.
That’s cool pretty amazing.
Try this
Write down a three-digit number. Don’t tell me what is.
Now repeat your number to make it a six-digit number. So if your original number was 573, make it 573573.
take the long number and divide it by 13. Then divide the result by 11. Finally, divide the second result by 7.
After you double check your arithmetic, tell me your final result and I’ll tell you your original number.
yeah, because everybody has had their birthday this year. Same as next new year's eve day next year, except then the answer will be 2023.