Size and depth.
Jarrett 6-5 349 lbs
Kobe Pepe 6-2 335 lbs
Silver 6-4 331 lbs
Carlon Jones 6-3 311 lbs
Boucard 6-3 311 lbs
Bulabalavu 6-3 310 lbs
Jacobsen 6-4 298lbs
Abasari 6-5 294lbs
Thompkins 6-5 293lbs
Jarrett, Silver, Pepe, Thompkins and Jacobsen will probably be the main rotation. Jones came with some high expectations I would expect him to be in the mix too. Stewart at almost 300 lbs might slide into the middle too but he is listed as a DE.
Dang the boys are big. Very important, the coahces had better work on quickness, strength, cardio & meaness. The talent is now there. C. DA Lynn and his staff had better work these guys hard. No more Bear Alexander types (head case)... Cheers
Can anyone besides Silver actually play. ?? We know they can eat