Size and depth.
Jarrett 6-5 349 lbs
Kobe Pepe 6-2 335 lbs
Silver 6-4 331 lbs
Carlon Jones 6-3 311 lbs
Boucard 6-3 311 lbs
Bulabalavu 6-3 310 lbs
Jacobsen 6-4 298lbs
Abasari 6-5 294lbs
Thompkins 6-5 293lbs
Jarrett, Silver, Pepe, Thompkins and Jacobsen will probably be the main rotation. Jones came with some high expectations I would expect him to be in the mix too. Stewart at almost 300 lbs might slide into the middle too but he is listed as a DE.
Dang the boys are big. Very important, the coahces had better work on quickness, strength, cardio & meaness. The talent is now there. C. DA Lynn and his staff had better work these guys hard. No more Bear Alexander types (head case)... Cheers