Rice over GB
Barlow beat out by Leek both behind Dye and Jones
Gentry in the middle with Lee Or Goforth at Will, mild surprise.
RFR Lynch beats out the Sr Stadthaus K
Korey Foreman will play a lot but Height will start.
MCree at TE over Epps and Falo
Shane Lee OR Goforth, the OR is a surprise there. 8 to 10 starters are transfers with 15 in the two deep, very nice.
no returners listed, PR or KO . not even redacted.
23 of the 57 players on the chart did not sign with SC out if high school. Significant
Roster makeover stat.
Lee to WLB? Wow. He’s been listed at MLB all off-season
All quick twitchers in the secondary - nobody over buck-eighty. Max Williams is the best player here, but coming back from injury. Anybody worried these light dudes can stay healthy? Stanford and Utah will look to bully these guys. Let's hope big backs don't break thru the front 7. Gentry at middle lb? Freak athlete for sure, but can he stay healthy bringing loads vs big backs. This is big boy college football, not 7 on 7 passing tournaments. Would like to see a mix of bigger boys out there.
Dedich is not 6'7" which calls into the accuracy of the chart. Also there are several OR's that indicate to me some folks are not a low on the depth chart as it sounded. such as McCree over Epps.
I think Gentry could play 2 LBer positions,,, and I do think he’ll play a lot. rBrown at 3 or 4th sting is irrelevant to me. From everything I’m hearing, he will also get plenty of PT, and more as the season progresses.
My surprise is the TCU DT transfer, Earl Barquet, could make a bigger move, however, if you watched him during spring, not such a big surprise. …… DEEP at the safety positions,,,, obviously at WR as well. lack of depth at interior OLine and DLine
I would take any depth chart with a grain of salt, most of the time the equipment manager puts them together.