Visiting team has won the last 5 meetings
Bruins won't be bowling
Fresno State has beaten UCLA the last 4 times they have met. That rivalry is one UCLA better start paying attention to as that streak will soon approach the levels of the greatest run in UCLA football history the USC streak.
Fresno has beaten first year coaches Karl Dorrell, Skippy, and Chocolate Chip. Next up, De Bong.
Is Foster still high daily? Looks like it every time he's in front of a camera. Guys that unpresentable should be coaching Pop Warner, not a major college team. Maybe they can have a freshman PR major come out and do the press conferences.
USC has won 7 of the last 10 in the series and won 6 of the previous 10. Won 6 of the previous 10 before that. UCLA won 6 of the previous 10 before that. Going back to 85-94. Previous to that was all SC or strongly so.
Trojans lead the all time series 53-34-7 And for kicks and giggles i looked up my time from when I came to USC. I picked a bad time as UCLA was dominant and then not long after their streak started. I thought I'd never see USC have more wins than losses against UCLA. I think I was like a -5 or -10 at one point. But even that is right with the world these days, USC having won 19 of the last 26.
Or another look if you’re picking different periods which surprised me is over the last 45 years it’s 24 wins SC, 20 wins Ucla, and 1 tie.