Anyone besides Gator there for that classic? I would have been there but I was still a toddler and didn’t have a car.
Kevin was in hot Nam fighting commies in the jungle and banging cute Asian chicks in Hue or Saigon or both.
OHT drove there from Fullerton.
Stanford was still the Indians.
K Ron Ayala (Lakewood HS. ) passed away this week. RIP.
$6.00 ticket, about $50 bucks today
Listened to it in the radio. We were down 24-23, under two minutes to go and we had 4th down 8 to go on our 15. McKay called a draw play for Davis
And it gained 9 yards. We ended up with the Ayala field goal to win. McKay hated Stanford because when we played them at Stanford, the Stanford student section used the N word for our players. That’s when McCkay said he wanted to beat Stanford by 2000 points if he could.
Asked McKay which school he hated the most and he responded Stanford....that's what I recall..
Fight on RA. RIP.
the student body voted for stanford to be called the Robber Barons. The Administration at Stanford didn't care for honesty.
I was there,, the whole stadium stood throughout the 4th quarter. John McKay expressed his appreciation for that.
I liked them better when they were the Indians. Cheerleaders were pretty nice too back then.