would have been nice this year, huh.
watching the conference playoffs today just shows how incompetent the weak tit, pencil neck, LOSER douchebag 162 really is.
Most aren't impressive. But none completely SUCK like CLR.
Is hoping for a meteor a sin? Venial or Mortal? What say you iq66? and you never answered if the creepy pope let you wear his big hat when you were wearing a drool bib and borrowing Lady Sanka's knee pads. sc
Think of me much? Of course you do. Even when I’m nowhere near a post you reveal I’m always on your mind
I agree. There are no great Teams
This year. For USC to be this bad is just pathetic
well, even with a good coach, usc wasn't going to beat oregon this year. But usc needs a great coach if they are gonna start turning this nightmare of a program around. Top players aren't gonna come to usc for the weather, night life and girls anymore. They want to win and get developed for the nfl. Neither of those are gonna happen with riley. Even NIL overpaying isn't gonna fix things without a MUCH BETTER COACH.