Clemson versus north car? Two teams both. Both coming off losses play each for the title of king of the dip sh$&)?? it’s like the benedickleater bowl
Michigan versus pursue? Ok can’t Michigan just play OHio or penn state again? I love purdue like an old teddy bear but really. They’re what 8-4? 9-3? What I’m the world are they even doing here? Did everyone else in the west just quit?
lsu versus Georgia. Best team in the nation versus someone shooting for 4 losses lol I can’t wait for lsu to declare they belong in the playoff win or lose.
tcu and Ksu already played. Whoppee.
utah USC ditto. Rah Rah for rematches.
which is the worst game and which is the best? Have I missed anything anywhere? .
I asked my buddy during the USC/ND game who Michigan would be playing next week; when he said Purdue you could've knocked me over with a feather. Who knew? Go Boilermakers, unless it's bad of USC.