OMG, the arrogance and disregard of the officials who have gained control of Fairfax Co., VA!
Parents indicated that they did not want gender studies in elementary schools; the school board voted 16-0 to do it anyway.
High School alphabet posters: A is for abortion; L is for Leadership (all Democrat females); T is for Trans Woman; Z is for guys' gaZe.
How about: A is for asshole (pic of Kevie); D is for Duschebag (pic of Kevie); S is for Senile (pic of Kevie); T is for Trans Woman (pic of Kevie)
When a County Supervisor introduced a motion to only discuss whether to let trans people into women's spaces, following complaints of a guy exposing himself at 3 county parks, the motion failed cuz not a single person would second the motion. None of the Supervisors would speak to a reporter except for one who repeatedly refused to answer the reporter's question.
The woman's 99 sec video makes for a wonderful commercial -- Look how your Overlords give you the finger!
problem is that activists think the children belong to them and/or the state
Clear, concise, and to the point. Quite a lady. Word Salad Annie should learn from this woman.