why do so many Trump lawyers end up pleading guilty to crimes? It's pretty unbelievable. I don't know that we have ever seen a guy that has so many people in his circle end in jail. Only happens to Trump and Mafia bosses. Cohen, Weisselberg in jail. Ellis, Ms Kraken, Cheesebro, Easton, all pleading guilty to avoid jail. And more to come . Rudy's hair dye is running this morning . Why wouldn't they go to trial if, as they said, they had evidence of election fraud? Could it be they we're lying? Rudy your cell is ready.
The criminal admits to her crimes. This den of treasonous rats belong in jail
So it’s time to fact-check the obvious nonsense of Jenna Ellis’ plea-deal speech — because a few innocent souls might be confused by this garbage.
The state of Georgia has refused to allow anyone to review Fulton County's ballots — in defiance of the law to this very day — so election fraud is an established fact, no matter what Jenna Ellis pleads.
Heck, the voting machines are not even certified to be used in elections!
Incredibly, 102 Georgia counties could not produce their drop box surveillance videos for the stolen 2020 election — and 72 counties were forced to admit that all those videos had been destroyed — so election fraud is an established fact, no matter what Jenna Ellis pleads.
There's more than 300,000 ballot transfer forms missing in Georgia’s 2020 election so election fraud is an established fact — no matter what Jenna Ellis pleads.
wake me up when someone is granted limited immunity so they will testify about what they personally witnessed in order to make any RICO charges stick.
You know, the way the Feds crush a real conspiracy when they feel the need.
I explained this all before, let's try again..
They are not charged with treason, election meddling, tampering or any other Federal crime. They are being charged under Georgia law in a Star Chamber hearing that makes kangaroo courts look fair and balanced. They are being threatened with RICO charges. RICO charges are Federal.
Imagine that everyone who worked for the Clinton Foundation was charged as Does 1-1000 with conspiracy to defraud investors, you know like the Saudi Royal Family
Imagine now that all attorneys formerly working for the Clinton Foundation were denied any and all claims of attorney client privilege for all work done for the Clinton Foundation.
By definition, all Clinton attornies are now co-conspirators under RICO statutes which mandates Federal jurisdiction, investigation, proceedures, etc., CONCURRET with processing of all local charges.
Rather than going through the Star Chamber process under Federal law (jurisdiction) and going through personal bankruptcy as their cases are missmanaged and delayed for years, the Clinton lawyers all plead guilty to lesser local charges of defrauding investors which while implying guilt, offers no substantial penaties, but probation and relatively token fines.
get it?
This is Lawfare as a concept, at it's finest.
Hence, her statement “The Democrats and the Fulton County DA are criminalizing the practice of law. "
She should have reread these tweets.
Show me the man and I will show you the crime.everyone of these cases versus trump allies are bogus and politically motivated. The DOJ is the equivalent of the old Soviet justice system and the FBI should change its name to the KGB