that the "women" that seem to be so hell bent on killing babies seem to all to be the kind of women you wouldn't want anywhere near your dick?
So you don't want me to fawk you ? uh, OK. No problem ma'am.
As I posted at the time the mentally ill LGaphabet freaks wouldn't stop with "gay marriage". They just had to insist that they at to take a dump in the same little girl's room your granddaughter uses. And no they won't stop there either.
Safe Legal and Rare was just as much BULLSHIT as gay marriage. They just can't stop themselves. They want to execute babies up to and after birth. Man , do those ulstrasounds piss them off. sc

ps. the beasts thank you fraud and lexo for your support.

A bunch of ugly, fat, pasty looking white indoctrinated useful idiots on the Soros payroll.
this is the new angle To their debauchery. They‘re not pedos. they’re maps- minor attracted persons. Disgusting but true buts it’s a new push for them. Pedo has too large of a stigma Smh.
Re gay marriage . Gays believe in marriage like I believe the moon is made of green cheese. The big enchilada for the gay movement is lowering the age of consent for sex with minors to 7. That’s always been NAMBLA‘s goal . Legalizing pedophelia (sp?) next. Wait and see.
Hard as nails, full of hate, totally irrational and butt ugly. Many of them are self loathers who are incapable of loving another person let alone an unborn child.