Not sure the full story has been written on this case or what Durham is up to. Yes Sussman was guilty as charged. But how much did we learn about the Alpha Bank hoax and what the players admitted to. Will Durham go over more high profile targets with greater charges? Will he get trials moved out of the Dem stronghold of DC? The Sussman trial did get a lot of revelations out into the open.
@BobLinMN-2 boys heres a mindfucker. Durham and Barr are in On this BS too. They could’ve fought for judge to recuse, He has a ton of conflicts too. They could of tried this in Virginia or Maryland. They could have brought and indicted a lot more than this director Level Stooge on ONE count. This was a paint & Bondo Earl Schweib special.
Flynn did not lie, per the FBI agents who interviewed him, but was destroyed financially, and they threatened to destroy his son if he did not confess to lying. Sussmann clearly lied, and he gets off. Both cases reflect a pro-Hillary, anti-Trump bias. Stalin had show trials too.
All true.
Unfortunately I think it’s the Great Pumpkin hoax for us. I’ve lost hope on this.
Would be thrilled to be wrong here
Not sure the full story has been written on this case or what Durham is up to. Yes Sussman was guilty as charged. But how much did we learn about the Alpha Bank hoax and what the players admitted to. Will Durham go over more high profile targets with greater charges? Will he get trials moved out of the Dem stronghold of DC? The Sussman trial did get a lot of revelations out into the open.
The jury was so absolutely tainted, and the backgrounds of all jurors were brought up and proven to the activist judge, who laughed.
Flynn did not lie, per the FBI agents who interviewed him, but was destroyed financially, and they threatened to destroy his son if he did not confess to lying. Sussmann clearly lied, and he gets off. Both cases reflect a pro-Hillary, anti-Trump bias. Stalin had show trials too.
This is reassuring. Not really.