Harris has a 7-point lead over Trump in Nevada — 52 percent to 45 percent — and a 5-point lead in Pennsylvania, 51 percent to 46 percent. In Arizona and Michigan, the vice president has a 3-point edge over the GOP nominee, 50 percent to 47 percent.
Her lead is much smaller in North Carolina, 50 percent to 48 percent, and Wisconsin, 51 percent to 48 percent.
here is the actual survey report by Morning Consult that is curiously labeled as Project: 2409072
head down to the bottom to see the built in biases in the the demographics
interesting how a decent percent of 'likely voters' fails to vote
"Morning Consult is a global decision intelligence company changing how modern leaders make smarter, faster, better decisions. The company pairs its proprietary high-frequency data with applied artificial intelligence to better inform decisions on what people think and how they will act"
Jun 14, 2016A new Bloomberg Politics national poll shows Clinton leading Trump 49 percent to 37 percent among likely voters in November's election, with 55 percent of those
Check the voter registration numbers….
She has zero chance without massive cheating
Real Clear politics has Trump and her tied up in about 3 of those Harris leading one and Trump leading two. Trump wins Georgia, NC, Arizona, where he pulled back ahead. And either Michigan or Penn and he wins. Harris isn't going to get any more popular
Bloomberg. Nuff said.
In your dreams