Librarian cancels meeting that had reservation minutes into program for "misgendering" a theoretical person per women's sports.
Claims CA State Law requires referring to trans-women as women
Says he will be monitoring the entire meeting (I wish the women had been wearing George Orwell T-shirts)
Q: "Can I preface by saying 'This is what I think'"?
A: "No, you can not say what you think"
Prescribed speech is prescribed thought
Imagine a biology professor in the Soviet Union who told his class that Lysenko was wrong
Trans-activists physically obstruct participants - no objection from Librarian
Libraries are now anti- 1st Amendment zones
Lea Thomas may be female from the neck up; but he's male from the neck down, and nobody swims with their ears.
I hope FIRE or someone sues the hell out of that library
Follow the whole chain!
"I would like you to meet my son, he is a librarian" said no one, ever.