Loans may not have to be repaid
Add that to the DNCs proposal to make all illegals legal, and the flow across the border will increase 10 fold
And where does the money come form? Newsom turned a $100mil surplus into a $70mil deficit
I bet, if I moved back to CA, I would be turned down, along with all US citizens from other states. Can you be arrested and prosecuted for impersonating an illegal alien?
Cuz he intends to bring California to the rest of America.
that's 70 Billion...with a B! not 70 million
they are really begging for a civil war.
of course, gov Terminator didn't make enron repay any of the 9 BILLION they stole from ca energy users (read: you) back in the mid naughties, so once again both parties are good at screwing the ca public.