As we know, Going against Trump pays very very well.
She's the wacko who said DJT grabbed the wheel Of the Beast to turn it around and go back to "insurrection". SS said 100% untrue within the hour.
Here are a list of some other whoppers. Crazy she got a book deal out of it. This is a total grift.
The Rudy G accusations are perfect timing for this book release.
This book will sell 10 copies beyond the Dem
Book buying money laundering scheme.
Pelosi prevented any GOP congressman on the committee who could have brought this up.
Having seen the Beast from the inside I can state categorically--
a) the President rides in the back
b) the front and the back are different compartments
I got to look from the passenger side front door-opened view.
ITs setup so driver and/or guard can open without exposing the back.
Alias reading the three copies he bought.