Trump: 30% increase in murders - highest increase on record
Biden: 11% decrease in murders in 2023 - biggest decrease on record
Crimes across the board are down and keep falling.
I guess it's no surprise we would have a crime wave when an actual criminal is charge.
If Trump couldn't keep people safe when he was president, how can he do so now?
Should this be considered violent crime?
shouldn't you be busy practicing 83 different signatures for the ballots they'll be dropping off at your crash pad in a few days?
Truth is it's been dropping for years and only crime wave under Trump was ANTIFA and BLM
Actually scopes goes pretty in depth and an interesting read though a bit long.
You're that dumbfoundingly ridiculous person who actually publicly admitted to the world that you somehow knew that Tim Walz beat J.D. Vance in their debate.
Since then, you're officially known here as a complete loon.
Small-brain take. Many cities are not reporting crime stars to the FBI. You should have your voting rights rescinded
San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York etc say hi.