2020, when Mass Mailing of ballots was universal because of the v irus, dims magically flipped
AZ: non photo ID required (power bill works, but can't check with mail-in)
GA: photo ID required (can't check with mail-in)
MI: photo ID required (can't check with mail-in)
NV: no ID
PA: no ID
Trump won every state requiring a photo ID (27) except NH and RI.
The only states with no ID requirement that Trump won were NV and PA
as far as causation, how can you check for fraud when no ID is required to vote?
it's impossible, therefore no ID facilitates or creates a system that allows for fraud
the causation is community organizers who are paid to 'harvest' ballots
why is no ID and Mass Mailing of ballots so important to the left when they already pay people to 'harvest' ballots? It's a system built for fraud with no way to QC.
every other country in the world, Mexico, Venezuela, etc. all of them, require photo ID to vote
USA is the outlier
pretty sure that Mass Mailing of ballots is unique to dim controlled states in the US except UT which is Republican controlled
CA*, CO*, DC*, HI*, OR*, VT*, WA*
NV* Republican Gov but Dim House and Senate, Full Dim control 2019-2022
Conservatives like photo ID, and Trump won conservative states. There is correlation, but is there causation?