DJT wins the Notre Dame poll. Notre Dame students prefer Trump. This was a layup for Biden. Biden crushed Trump by 37 points in the same poll and Clinton beat DJT by over 30. What a swing.
The indoctrination did not work at Notre Dame.
Between this and the Teamsters polls - it’s huge for DJT.
There will be another assassination attempt. DJT’s numbers are too strong.
Blacks are being fooled into thinking she's black and supporting her more than they supported the guy who beat up corn pop
Woman also weren't wild about Joe and they smell fish in the white house
You lost me at educated. If they were educated and able to thrink critically, they wouldn't vote for either Trump or Harris.
Don't forget the Jewish votes that were always a layup for the demorats.
I thought i saw a blurb of something just today about a possible 3rd attempt. Apparently, there are five teams of assassins, three foreign, after him. Trump is now being protected better thankfully. But the forces that want him gone are ubiquitous and powerful.
I think it will come to be that most Kamala voters turn out to be middle-aged and older homeowners. The young have no future with democrat leadership and they know it. Feelings don't keep you warm and dry in the winter and you can't eat them.