That wont work. So of course ESPN punishers her by removing her from being on air.
Cowards. And narrative control. Who cares if she is a woman and a POC. Thats now
She slays Obama. Said He identifies as a black man but “his black father was nowhere to be found“ and so he was raised by a white mom and a white grandma. Ouch.
She doesn’t know about Obama’s black mentor and communist activist (Frank
Marshall Davis) he grew up with. Thats been covered here before But I guess that was his “black“ experience while growing up in Honolulu. What a total farce that dude is.
It’s not an IF. It’s a fact.
Good News. There is hope
for you Yet!!
I get That. And agree. And now the but.
ESPN DOESNT just stick to sports anymore now does it?? And it’s typically left leaning as is 95% of all corporate media.....just for reference.
And secondly and even more on point. She was on a podcast and not on ESPN at the time.
That to me makes it much more that she was censored. She didnt commit a felony. she wasnt unbecomiNg
she was sharing her truth also known as her opinion. Thought we could do that in America.
While I agree with the Obama as a fraud point, the last place I want to hear politics is on espn. Don’t want to hear it from either side. Call me crazy but I just want to know who won and who got hurt or traded. Or who fingered some chick in a bar. I guess.
Sports shows should stick to sports.
🎯 Bingo
Her mistake was insulting Obama. As a black female she is protected but not from insulting Barack or his wife Michael.