A conservative was considered for President of FSU. A woman with the accreditation agency for FSU got his prospects cancelled because he's a conservative. Even though he was a member of FSU's Board of Governors and former head of FL State Dept. of Ed., she said he was unqualified. DeSantis got a law passed requiring a rotation of accreditation agencies with every accreditation cycle.
The Fed. Dept. of Ed. didn't like this (even though it conforms with federal Ed guidelines) and threatened to cut off federal aid to FSU students.
Their reasoning: Changing agencies has to be "voluntary". The state doing this is involuntary, and having to stay with what the feds want is "voluntary. (The Red queen will explain it to you.) They further reasoned that changing agencies might incur costs which would trickle down to the students.
This is extortion: Do what we say or we'll punish innocent 3rd parties (students), even though there is no evidence of a reduction in educational quality.
Over a quarter of a Century ago, the same thing happened to Grove City College, a conservative, religious school in Grove City Pennsylvania. The Dept. of Ed demanded they provide a racial breakdown of their students. The school responded that they don't keep such records, and, because they don't accept Fed $, they weren't going to bother. The Feds responded that they would take away the students Pell Grants and other student aid.
This is why the Federal Government shouldn't be handing out money; once they do, they own you, and you will be made to bow to the Leftist agenda of the self-anointed, unelected thugs.
Why is FSU's President any of their business?
Ron DeSantis: the anti-Biden on woke Academia? – HotAir
Our Gubment needs a hard reset.
That tree of Liberty is mighty thirsty