On June 1, 1996, Ukraine gave up its massive nuclear arsenal which was the third largest in the world. They did in exchange for Western security assurances under the Budapest Memorandum, signed by Ukraine, Russia, the US, and the UK. Bill Clinton signed for America and Boris Yeltsin for Russia.
In 2014, Russia illegally annexed Crimea and occupied the Donbas region.
In 2022, Russia invaded again, killing Ukrainians and occupying 20% of Ukraine's territory. Now many of the guarantees are being ignored.
Ukraine can't win this war. Sorry, it's a math thing. . I don't care how much you globalists spend or bitch about it. sc.
The US provoked this war. It’s an energy resource grab for the US. Mike Benz breaks it down.
Going with the official government company line is naive.
You really want wwiii?that's where this is headed, and this time the us will get nuked. Unless you like your fake lake radioactive, you might want to reconsider.
And BTW France Germany and Ukraine reneged on the Minsk accords in 2014. Don't blamerussia.
Keep flying that blue and yellow flag on your porch Java. You do know it is possible to not support the leftist Ukrainian government as well as not support Russia at the same time, right? Like two dudes you hate equally throwing down and just beating the shit out of each other while you cheer for each and every punch thrown, no matter who throws it.
Ukraine started this in 2014
Ukraine never registered its borders
It’s not our problem.
It’s amazing idiots will support a war over borders half way around the world….but are mum about the US border.
We caved in 2014 which lead to 2022. I wonder who was in office those times?