Just think this time last year you were measuring the drapes in the white youse , now your FAWKED.
Did everything Auntie Nancy told you to do. EVEN pretended Creepy joe had a functioning brain.
Set up for a layup in an open convention to skate into the whitehouse for 8 years at the peak of your life. Retire a gazillionaire. It all was such a lock. Now look. BUPKUS BAHABHABAHAHBAHBAHABAHABAHABAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHHA
NOW The conniving effeminate bitch is going to get termed out never to be heard from again. The worst part is he has to know that Heels up is actually retarded. Not just dim. A true moron. And she is going to get to be president.
Life's a bitch huh , scumbag. heeehehhehehehehehheehheehehheheehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheh
oh, maybe all the heathens will build you a greesy statue to you one day for the pigions to grap all over?
what a loser. makes e smile. sc
It's a good observation. The oligarchs, the dems and the media are changing the terms of democracy and freedom so fast even some of the shitheads in the oligarchy (like Newsom) can't keep track of the rule changes.
Nothing for Manchurian Candidate II? Good movie mirrors next up.