Typicaly a major after 16 years of service has his record (packet) reviewd for promotion to LtCol by a selection board. A percentage of those whose packets are reviewed are then promoted or selected for LtCol. If not selected his packet is again reviewed a year later. If not selected after a second review, his packet is reviewed by the selection board a third time. If not selected for LtCol a third time, he in most all cases must resign his commission which Maj Dog Tags did.
Obviously the National Guard did not think Maj Dog Tags posessed the leadership skills required of a LTCol or the skills required to command a battalion (1000 troops). Draft dodging coward Donnie in all his brilliance wants to put the individal deamed not qualified to command a battalion in command of all US troops. How fucked up is that.
you misspelled Two Bronze Stars
edit: let's see a pic of your CAB or CAR