Anti-American, anti-Western Civilization Marxists have infected and taken control of societies private, public, and mixed institutions, perverting them to promote their own personal agendas.
To be a teacher in Minnesota, you must recruit cadres from among your students: Standard 4, H. “The teacher demonstrates the ability to create opportunities for students to learn about power, privilege, intersectionality, and systemic oppression in the context of various communities and empowers learners to be agents of social change to promote equity.”
Fidel Castro was not a martyr, dying of natural causes at the age of 90. He was, however, and mass-murderer who oversay a totalitiarn, terrorist dictatorship which denied civil & human rights to the people of Cuba.
American Library Association President Emily Drabinski saying explicitly that libraries (and public schools) need to be sites of socialist organizing.
And parents losing custody of their young daughter for not supporting her trans desires (see previous post).
Columbia School of Social Work officially denounces capitalism as a form of oppression (previous post).
This generation (our future leaders) are being brainwashed with taxpayer dollars
Funny but poignant. Well done 🍻
I remember Mr Diaz my sophomore Spanish teacher. At SJM in fresburg.
When things got boring in class all you had to do was ask him about Cuba and Fidel Castro.
Kabooom. Rant.
Kooba. Berry berry gud countreee. Es muy boootiful and many many wonderful piiiiiple
But Fidel Castro. He a berry berry bad mon. He kill many many piiiiple and drove my familia out of Koooba
Koooba now berry berry bad countree and Castro es a murderer and a berry berry bad man.
So Mr. Diaz. What do you really think? Hahahaa.
Soon as someone would ask everyone would start laughing. He loved Reagan because there was still hope at the time that all the republicans would lead an invasion into Cuba. Led by or followed by all the exiles in Miami