it's not about votes, it's about ballots.
it's not about machines, it's about ballots.
Rats are just doing what they did last time and perfecting it. Why do you think the border was open?
Why do you think the obsession with Jan 6th and demanding everyone accept the results?
It started with motor voter. Then mail ballots. No id's. register illegals. Ballot harvesting.
It doesn't matter who their candidate is. They are just puppets. The FIX is in. Bet Kevin will be proud.
this stuff isn't complicated. buy gold. sc
the repbulicans steal elections too. Get over it.
The whole concept of representative government is flawed to its core. It's easier and more effective to blackmail, threaten and kill 536 people to get your way than it is to sway over half of 300+ million. Direct democracy is the only answer.