Before he completely and totally ruins this board. This board needs some action. Anyone watching the Jan 06 coverage?
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Edited: Jun 09, 2022
Hello, I’m here to help bob
Hello, I’m here to help bob
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Bump for the #1 post on this board. The Cream of the crap
This thread should be pinned at the top of the board. Everyone agree? Who runs this wasteland? Bob, you in charge here? Take me to your leader.
Still the most viewed thread on the forum. You’re welcome Bob.
Traffic always slows down to see the wreckage. In you case, it's your reputation.
Still the most viewed thread on the first page. pasadenas post are retarded and lame= no clicks.
Hey King, is this an assignment from your therapist to help you ease back into society? Posting devil's advocate responses to each post is great, as long as you add some substance. Be better.
Watching the "Stacked Deck" Committee with the noted Liar Adam "Schifty" Schiff? Not on your life. I wonder who is protecting lilAdem Schiff after what he did at Chateau Marmonte. He is scum of the highest order like his now jailed meth injecting friend Ed Buck.
This post already has the most views of any posts on the first page. In less than 24 hours. Bob, you’re welcome.
since POTUS is worst President in history the libs have grabbed their toys and gone home. Pathetic but fairly strategic.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the warm welcome. No one minds if I post hearing updates? But seriously, why is this board slumping? Did it become too common minded in opinions? No one responds to’s rude.
Go King….it’s open mic night
Only libs will be watching, the rest of us have to go to work to carry the freeloaders on our backs across the finish line. Atlas shrugged.
Thank you Bob, but please keep your gaze on the floor as you approach. I was just kidding with you sir as you seem to have every post on the first page. most lacking any interest at all. What happened here? I mean, there used to be activity here. When did it turn into an Oklahoma dust bowl and why?
Hello, Your Highness. What would you like to see on this board?