One of the funniest post voting interviews in Vegas. Man was asked who he voted for and why. His response,
"I'm basicly a blue collar guy so I voted for Trump because he's for no tax on over time". LMAO, as if there is a chance of that ever happening. Another uneducated moron taken in by an obvious Donald lie. How about the morons taken in by "No tax on tips", or the old people taken in by his lie, "No tax on Social security". These surley have to be some of the stupidest people in the world, classic Donald Voters. This is going to be a fun 4 years (hope he doesn't croak on us; if he does I'll be pissed) I am enjoying this too much.
If he really wants to reduce gove waste there's a lot to trim with IRS. Kill 90% of deductions and flat tax it and you don't need nearly as many auditors or bean cunters. No, that's not a typo.
with a system of pay to play tariffs, no income tax is needed
you are obviously ok with a system where wages have risen about 300% over 40 years against housing increases of over 1,200%, goods and services 600-800%, education 1,100%, etc., and the average low skill job is a 30hr per week minimum wage job with no benefits
i.e., purchasing power has declined 97% and a two to three income household is needed to pay for basic needs, edit: after the income has been savaged by income tax, FICA tax, unemployment tax etc.
Yes, there will be short term pain, just like there was 1981-1982 when Reagan had to clean up the Carter mess that Trump faces after the Biden/Harris mess. It turned out so well, what did the electoral map look like in 1984?
There will be a large reduction in government employees, especially the 40,000 newly hired to artificially bolster Biden's recent jobs data.
One of the funniest post voting interviews in Vegas. Man was asked who he voted for and why. His response,
"I'm basicly a blue collar guy so I voted for Trump because he's for no tax on over time". LMAO, as if there is a chance of that ever happening. Another uneducated moron taken in by an obvious Donald lie. How about the morons taken in by "No tax on tips", or the old people taken in by his lie, "No tax on Social security". These surley have to be some of the stupidest people in the world, classic Donald Voters. This is going to be a fun 4 years (hope he doesn't croak on us; if he does I'll be pissed) I am enjoying this too much.
Didn't she get Harris's unity message?
19th amendment