That is all the Democrats need to unite behind her. Remember she is running against Donald who never got more than 47% of the vote. Donald is an easy person to hate for multiple reasons.
Just think of it this way Kevin, I am working hard and covering your portion so that you can relax, work out at curves and shit-post on the wild west board. You have it made.
Actually she is 10 times the athlete you could ever be. Did the California Costal Trail (1230 miles) in 44 days which is like doing a marathon a day for those 44 days. And you are just a fat slob like Donnie. Sad to be you.
Quit getting played.
It would take some balls to nominate Michelle Obama......oh......wait a minute!
Figures still get a hard one for Big Mike.....
Could you list her qualifications. Thanx.
She has never run anything . She’s never even had a job in here life. sc
She hates the USA. Hates the flag, etc. Non-starter.
Funny. She’s as “fat” as he is.