it certainly explains more than few of the love/hate relationships I had as a young man
before I swore off vegans, globalist commies, and other libtards regardless of their beauty
I am sure Kevin has a rebutal he'll document with selfies
including random women that he makes as dry as the Mojave Desert
Who is she kidding? I wouldn’t give that dingbat a second look at 2am. Bitching about ‘cute guys’ and a literal 3/10, maybe a 4 in Tucson. 🤠
That guy was pretty funny though. No Agenda played a bunch of his stuff. All the tards caught on to alex stein
That guy was hilarious. He met the unserious, no-policy, good-vibe conventioneers where they live and made fun of them without them knowing it. Capped off by making himself gay, which they have to not notice or tolerate. Brilliantly funny I thought.
Can't help it man, they just seem to want to do selfies with me. Now the girl below for fun does bikini contests ......and wins them. Won one in San Diego and then won in Vegas. Anyway she came ocver to me with her husband and asked if it would bwe OK if her husband took a picture of the two of us. Bit of a surprise real life she is a physical therapist and she had an older client she was having a problem motivating. He didn't think he could ever get back in shape again. So with the picture she could say this guy's 15 years older than you and he is in shape etc. I'm just there to help, LOL.