City of LA getting into the Act again. Must show vax card to go into restuarants, museums, bowling alleys etc. Good God Why? The mayor just got COVID after being double vaxxed and with a booster. What do the vaccines have to do with keeping you from getting COVID? Nothing...this is about control.
Unfortunately, I am being forced to get these unwanted "vaccines" at my work. So, I will be taking asperin, ibuprofin, Claritin, Pepcid AC, Vitamine D3, Zinc Quercetin and Vitamin C to ward off the effects of the vax. I have told my employer that I will not take any booster shots! I fully expect the CDC and NIH to move the goalposts to say you are not vaxxed if you don't get boosters. Note: I do not take flu shots and don't get the flu.
The clowns in government should not be forcing vax mandates on anyone since nobody knows the long term effects of this stuff. No long term safety studies have been done. Anybody who says "most people will be fine" hasn't considered the long term implications of these experimental vaccines.
City of LA getting into the Act again. Must show vax card to go into restuarants, museums, bowling alleys etc. Good God Why? The mayor just got COVID after being double vaxxed and with a booster. What do the vaccines have to do with keeping you from getting COVID? Nothing...this is about control.
Unfortunately, I am being forced to get these unwanted "vaccines" at my work. So, I will be taking asperin, ibuprofin, Claritin, Pepcid AC, Vitamine D3, Zinc Quercetin and Vitamin C to ward off the effects of the vax. I have told my employer that I will not take any booster shots! I fully expect the CDC and NIH to move the goalposts to say you are not vaxxed if you don't get boosters. Note: I do not take flu shots and don't get the flu.
The clowns in government should not be forcing vax mandates on anyone since nobody knows the long term effects of this stuff. No long term safety studies have been done. Anybody who says "most people will be fine" hasn't considered the long term implications of these experimental vaccines.
most people will be fine. sc
Or this one?